Updates coming soon.

Getting Started

Because of concerns about COVID infections in Alaska, your formerly-face-to-face Calculus I instructors have chosen to have your course content be synchronous online. (The asynchronous section continues to be asynchronous.) There will be optional (free) face-to-face proctoring for major exams.

Before the beginning of the semester, you should complete the following tasks, so that you are in a position to participate in the class right from the beginning!

Email your instructor.

Please include

Log into services

Sort out how to print and scan your work to upload

There will be a lot of uploading of work you do on paper into Gradescope. You will need to sort out a mechanism to do this.

See the Tech Help section for tips.

Week 1 Logistics

From the schedule you can see that in Week 1 there are a few things to do.