ALEKS Quiz Info for In-Person Students

You are going to ALEKS PPL assessment which will consist of about 30 questions. You will have 2 hours to complete it.

ALEKS is an online tool for assessing precalculus content knowledge. The ALEKS tool is adaptive, which means that the questions you are asked are determined, in part, by your answers to previous questions.

The reason you are taking this assessment is to help you have a better sense of your strengths and areas for improvement. The assessment will also help the Calculus I teaching team (instructors and TA’s) have a better understanding of how to provide extra support.

The score on your ALEKS quiz will be averaged with your score on the paper-and-pencil Quiz 1. This average will be the first quiz score in your Quiz Average.

Taking the ALEKS assessment replaces the Tuesday September 3 Recitation.

Dates and Locations

Sign-up Procedures

You will take this assessment through eCampus.