Technology Help




In addition, there is a student-accessible printer in the Chapman Computer Lab (CHAP 103). You will need to swipe your PolarExpress card at the Student Printer in order to print, and there will be a charge (you will use your Bear Bucks to pay for printing).


The UAF CS students have graciously agreed to set up course discords for all Math, CS, Statistics, and chemistry classes.

Sign up by clicking here then click the blue box that says SIGN IN, then look for our class. We are Math F251X-1.

You can ask calculus questions, chat with your classmates, ask questions, etc. on the Discord! I’ll try to respond quickly so we can have real-time synchronous communication (unless I’m in a meeting or in another class or asleep or whatever. But during those times perhaps your classmates can respond!)

To access Discord, you can use a web browser, but you can also use a stand-alone app on your computer and there’s also apps for iPhone and Android! See here for more info.

There are discord clients for Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android.