Updates coming soon.
Getting Started
Because of concerns about COVID infections in Alaska, your formerly-face-to-face Calculus I instructors have chosen to have your course content be synchronous online. (The asynchronous section continues to be asynchronous.) There will be optional (free) face-to-face proctoring for major exams.
Before the beginning of the semester, you should complete the following tasks, so that you are in a position to participate in the class right from the beginning!
Email your instructor.
- 8:00 section: Olha Sus,
- 11:45 section: David Maxwell,
Please include
- your name (first and last)
- what you’d like to be called (with pronunciation)
- where you are living now (e.g., UAF dorm, off campus in Fairbanks, somewhere else (please say where))
- where you live when you’re not at UAF (optional)
- Something interesting about you (since we don’t know you, anything you write is interesting)
Log into services
Blackboard is the learning management system used at UAF, and find the Math F251X Calculus I section. This is one of the main places you can find information about our class. In particular, this is where the zoom link for your class meetings will be posted.
Class announcements and group discussion outside of class time will occur over Campuswire. You will need a PIN to sign up; the PIN is in Blackboard.
You will hand in written materaials using Gradescope. There is easy access to it from the main course page menu. By the end of the first week, you need to have downloaded, completed, and uploaded the Getting Started Quiz, so you can download this now from Gradescope.
Most of your homework will be completed using the WebAssign service. The first homework is due Thursday. See the
Download a Zoom client
Add a profile picture unique to your account. It can be anything. A picture of you is fine. So is a Christmas tree, so long as it is different from all other students’ Christmas trees.
Sort out how to print and scan your work to upload
There will be a lot of uploading of work you do on paper into Gradescope. You will need to sort out a mechanism to do this.
- For the Written Homework, you will need to write out each problem statement and do your work on your own paper, and then scan upload your problems to Gradescope in the appropriate area.
- For the weekly Quizzes, you will need to download the PDF from Gradescope, print it out (or work on a tablet or computer), scan it, and then upload it back to Gradescope, within the allotted time.
See the Tech Help section for tips.
Week 1 Logistics
From the schedule you can see that in Week 1 there are a few things to do.
- Your first recitation is Tuesday. The Zoom link is in Blackboard. You will complete a worksheet in groups during this first recitation; most weeks it will be devoted to homework help, quiz prep, and the quiz.
- Your first WebAssign homework is due Thursday, but try to submit it by Wednesday to allow time for troubleshooting.
- You should download Quiz 0 from Gradescope as soon as possible, and use it to practice printing, scanning and uploading. (Usually, you will only have during the day on Tuesday for quizzes, but this one has a longer period in order to sort out the technology.)
- No class January 18
- There is a prerequisite quiz the following Tuesday during recitation!